So, I read a post my cousin made on facebook today and I really got to thinking. She said, "I was just looking in the mirror and I just noticed how pretty I actually am" and it got me to thinking; I don't think I have ever looked in the mirror and seriously felt like that. People will say it to me to be nice, but I personally haven't felt it or believed it. This got me thinking about other things that people experience and feel that I don't that maybe makes me almost feel...odd are some other things that others experience but I don't:
Seeing someone glow, especially people who are pregnant. I don't get it. I have never seen someone "glow" just because they are preggers, or because they are super happy. I just do not understand this.
Speaking of pregnant women, I have never had the compulsion to want to touch a pregnant woman's belly. You always see people go up and put their hands to try and feel the baby kick. If I were the girl, I'd feel awkward. Thankfully I do not plan on being that girl.
I watched a video on my one aunt's facebook the other day and it was of soldiers getting to come home and surprise their kids, and where the video was really touching all in it's own, it was particularly sad to me because I do not know what it's like to have a dad who wants to be home and wants to see his kids and that loves his kids like that. This feeling is something I don't know. Any song about a dad and his kid and especially a dad and his daughter, or seeing them out together is something I am not personally used to.
And lastly for right now, prolly the most controversial topic...I never understood when people say they talk to God or get answers from God. Even before i started questioning religion and all of that, I still had no clue about what people said...
Ok, thats all for now because I'm really tired. I need sleep.