Thursday, April 29, 2010

The key to self make up????

So, anyone who knows me, knows that I lack self esteem and self confidence; Well today I learned the secret to getting more of both. Who knew that all I had to do was use some clown sticks and poof, like magic I would feel better about myself. Now, anyone who really knows me, knows how effing sarcastic I'm being right now, and that whoever in the world made this ridiculous comment doesn't know the first thing about me. I do, however, find it rather amusing, in the least. At first I thought it was just her being personable, and she wasn't really serious. I later realize that she's serious, and obviously crazy. I'm sorry, make up fixes nothing, in all reality, it probably creates more problems. For example, guys, how many times have u seen a girl at a club or a bar or whatever and was like, well, she's pretty, but then when u wake up next to her in the morning without all her make up, you're like, holy crap what happened!!! LOL And then of course there is the cost of buying all the stupid shit, and then the time wasted putting it on. This is time that I could be sleeping and money that I could be saving up for a new car. I am not a make up person in the slightest. I look at it like this, if someone is going to not like me or like me, I want them to do it for me, who I am, what I look like, not what I'm trying to be. (plus, y'all know that I'd stab myself in the eye w/ the stupid mascara anyway!!!) Of course, with make up comes hair styling like straightening and curling and hairspray and all those wonderful things that a)cost more money and b) kill your hair. My hair falls out fast enough, I don't need to hurry it along. Plus, everyone that knows me, knows that I am straightner-tarded. I just get frustrated when I try to operate the stupid thing and I usually give up. This is why I get my hair cut in a simple style. I take it out of the towel, comb it and go. That's it, no fuss. I am not a girley- girl. I do not like all these sissy things. It's not who I am, and it's not going to fix ANYTHING! I'm not going to hide away from the truth that I know. I'm going to face each day as me. It doesn't matter who likes me as long as I get up, go to work, and pay my taxes. This blog post could lead me into so many other rants, but alas, I must get to bed, I'm so tired. So anyone who ever thought of trying to tell me I should wear make up can just hole up that comment, because now you know I ain't gonna listen and you're wasting your breath...


  1. i just thought of this, and it's sad that I must do this, but here it is...before someone reads this and goes running their mouth off to someone, I mean no harm to the person that made the make up comment. She doesn't know me well and didn't know any better. the crazy comment does not mean i think she's crazy, it's all in good fun. I just don't want any unneeded drama!!

  2. A few things... 1. you are beautiful... you volunteer more than anyone I know, you have such an amazing heart, and if you don't see it know that other people do. 2. you have more confidence then you know too... I would NEVER be able to run for public office... that's something that blows me away. 3. Guys are stupid... the ones that really love you will find you beautiful first thing in the morning and will point out when you start wearing too much makeup! and 4. I like you just as you are... and knowing who you are means you DO have confidence and you DO have self-esteem! After college my biggest challenge in life was spending time alone... going to the movies or dinner alone was really hard. But once I did it things fell into place, I found out who I really wanted to spend time with and wanted to be around instead of just being with people to be with people, and if you have conquered that then NOTHING can stop you. :)

  3. awww...u say such nice things to me.. sometimes i don't feel i deserve them...

  4. are you kidding me?!?! You are one of my flutes... the closest thing to children I'll ever have... haha! But I do remember all of you and you always had a smile and could make me laugh. I see a lot of my self in you so I am confident that you are an amazing woman because I am an amazing woman! :)

  5. aww...thanks...but i'm surprised u didn't disown me cuz i switched... LOL
