Friday, April 30, 2010

What part of, don't even think about it, don't you understand???

I guess since I'm hitting such hard hitting topics right off the bat, we'll hit this one, since it's been quite popular lately. What part of I DO NOT WANT TO BE FIXED UP WITH ANY GUY do you not understand. I'm not into blind dates, I don't care that you think this guy is so nice. Leave me alone. I will purposely not even look at a guy if I know you are trying to fix me up with him, ask my mom, she tried that shit with this guy and I wouldn't even look at him. I am not a science experiment, I am not a zoo exhibit, and I think whatever poor sap guy you're trying to con into this feels the same way. Talk about freaking awkward, at least for me anyway. Id feel like a freaking kid trying to give the State of the Union Address with no warning or prep. I am not designed for this, or dating period. And any guy you try to fix me up with would probably hate you afterward anyway. I have no desire to be put through this cruel and unusual torture. That's illegal you know. And this is kinda on the same topic, but a little off; There are to leagues, I don't care what miss "make up will help your self esteem" thinks. There are people who are "out of ones league". A person can not have Anyone they want, face it, it's not going to happen. I'm not saying that we are still in the caste system or something like in olden day England, but it's true, I think everyone has a "range" that if they're going to find a guy, that's where he'll fit into. Ok, back to the original rant. Sticking someone with some strange guy is not a fun time, period. And just because you think you're happy because you have a guy doesn't mean that it's what's best for me. Quite frankly I think it would probably make things worse as of right now. Guys do not define our happiness, you can be happy or miserable either way. Also, guys do not fix broken hearts or wounds. The damage is still there, you just let him put a blanket over the wound, that's all. They do not have the power to fix it. I hate to break it to anyone who believes they can. YOU are the only one that can fix you. And the way I look at it, if a guy wouldn't have broke it in the first place, it wouldn't need effing fixed! Now I don't want anyone thinking I'm anti-guy or a lesbian or something, because I'm Not, I just have a stronger sense of reality than some people. LOL!!If by some strange cosmic event, I'm not destined to be alone, I will do it on MY terms, Not anyone else's. My life and my heart and my emotions are not to be entertainment for someone else. They are mine. So anyone even remotely thinking about fixing me up, just back off and leave me alone. And come to think of it, they say you have to love yourself before anyone else can love you, so quite trying, fate is telling you that you're wasting your time.


  1. Thank you for this post! I wish I could print it and mail it to all of my married or commited relationship friends. My whole life I have always had a guy provide me with that warm fuzzy blanket to give comfort to the gushing wound. For the first time in my life I'm dealing with my shit. Taking time to look at resentments and get some self respect back. I refuse to be another booty call or in between girl.

    I too have those well meaning friends that say they have the perfect guy for me. I have learned to smile and nod cause they come from good intentions; but seriously, let me get my shit together. What man wants to actually put up with that shit?

  2. YAY! Friends NEVER know best... the best decision I ever made was following my OWN gut. And while I do hope someone makes you as happy as Shaun makes me... I hope that it happens someday, on your terms! And it's better to be happy and alone then with someone and miserable!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. i'm glad that this blog may help others aside from myself. sometimes i feel like i'm ranting and others are like "oh geeze, what's she ranting about now!!" LOL i'm just saying what's on my mind..and don't think this is the last rant about single-dom and all that jazz!! LOL.. i've got plenty stewing up in my head!! :)

  5. Well that is lovely. I used to think that about my blog too! Wondering who is even reading this and I'm reminded oh yeah nobody; however, now I have one follower. Maybe, its lame for me to be exctied but granted I am. Nice to meet you girls and looking forward to the rants and raves
