Friday, May 14, 2010

engulfing darkness

where do you draw the line between hurt and love?
how long do you have to wait and suffer?
this glowing ball of happiness
is surrounded by this engulfing darkness
that shatters my emotions and leaves me numb.
wading through just for a little light;
is it worth the fight?
i want to chase away the dark,
let the light shine through,
but i fear i don't have the strength
to chase it away and u won't let it.
your darkness is your shield;
hiding behind its emptiness
pushing away those who try to make it past
letting the darkness encompass and overpower;
losing grip, losing hold

so since i haven't posted i decided to use this as a post, i haven't written in a long time, but this kinda came to me...i know,it's kinda rough but, this is just exactly how it came out of my head....

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