Sunday, May 2, 2010

Just because I'm a girl, doesnt make me required to bear children

Since I've been on the rant about single-dom and such, it seems fitting that I roll right into the rant about having kids. Why does everyone think that because I'm a girl, I want kids, or should have kids? Just because I have a uterus doesn't mean I want kids. A desire to have children is a reason to have them, and I just don't have that desire. I get so tired of every time I say that I don't want kids the person I'm talking to argues with me. Hello! My body, my life, MY decision. If I say I don't want them be fine with that answer. Don't try to tell me what I should think or feel! I do not want to be prego. I do not want to put on all the weight that I've lost in the last year or so. I do not do the three p's (poop, puke, pee). I do not have the patience for the crying and the screaming and all that crap. i baby sat for a good number of years, Ive put my time in, and I don't want anymore! I don't know why some people can not accept that some women do not want kids. Just because you wanted them, doesn't mean I do. I think part of my problem is that I have such a mothering instinct towards my friends. But this does not mean I want to push something the size or a watermelon out a hole that is like the size of a cucumber, or to have my stomach stretch out to gargantuan sizes! It took me long enough to lose the weight I did lose, and I'd like to lose more, not put it all back plus some!! I don't even like to hold babies anymore, and some girls don't understand this either. Some get joy from it, others would rather not have to. So please, accept my decision to not want kids and don't tell me that I will change my mind or tell me I do want them.

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